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Timetable valid from: 2024.04.07 -
Classification: O O O O O O O O O O O O O O
 Km Stops (VOLÁNBUSZ Zrt.) 2   N   Passengers need supplementary tickets for this surfaceYou can buy your ticket on Internet too.The service runs at high speed on motorway, therefore it carries only seated passengers.Free WiFi available on the service 4       Passengers need supplementary tickets for this surfaceYou can buy your ticket on Internet too.The service runs at high speed on motorway, therefore it carries only seated passengers.Free WiFi available on the service 102       Passengers need supplementary tickets for this surfaceYou can buy your ticket on Internet too.The service runs at high speed on motorway, therefore it carries only seated passengers.Free WiFi available on the service 114       Passengers need supplementary tickets for this surfaceYou can buy your ticket on Internet too.The service runs at high speed on motorway, therefore it carries only seated passengers.Free WiFi available on the service 104       Passengers need supplementary tickets for this surfaceYou can buy your ticket on Internet too.The service runs at high speed on motorway, therefore it carries only seated passengers.Free WiFi available on the service 6       Passengers need supplementary tickets for this surfaceYou can buy your ticket on Internet too.The service runs at high speed on motorway, therefore it carries only seated passengers.Free WiFi available on the service 8       Passengers need supplementary tickets for this surfaceYou can buy your ticket on Internet too.The service runs at high speed on motorway, therefore it carries only seated passengers.Free WiFi available on the service 116   15   Passengers need supplementary tickets for this surfaceYou can buy your ticket on Internet too.The service runs at high speed on motorway, therefore it carries only seated passengers.Free WiFi available on the service 106     2 Passengers need supplementary tickets for this surfaceYou can buy your ticket on Internet too.The service runs at high speed on motorway, therefore it carries only seated passengers.Free WiFi available on the service 112   E   Passengers need supplementary tickets for this surfaceYou can buy your ticket on Internet too.The service runs at high speed on motorway, therefore it carries only seated passengers.Free WiFi available on the service 10   E   Passengers need supplementary tickets for this surfaceYou can buy your ticket on Internet too.The service runs at high speed on motorway, therefore it carries only seated passengers. 12   M   Passengers need supplementary tickets for this surfaceYou can buy your ticket on Internet too.The service runs at high speed on motorway, therefore it carries only seated passengers.Free WiFi available on the service 1034   A 2 Passengers need supplementary tickets for this surfaceYou can buy your ticket on Internet too.The service runs at high speed on motorway, therefore it carries only seated passengers.Free WiFi available on the service 14   E   Passengers need supplementary tickets for this surfaceYou can buy your ticket on Internet too.The service runs at high speed on motorway, therefore it carries only seated passengers.Free WiFi available on the service
0,0 Ózd, aut. áll. 03:35 04:35 05:35 07:35 09:35 11:35 13:35 14:35 15:35 15:35 16:35 17:35 17:35 19:35
1,5 Ózd, bolyki elág. Csak felszállás  03:37 04:37 05:37 07:37 09:37 11:37 13:37 14:37 15:37 15:37 16:37 17:37 17:37 19:37
3,0 Ózd-Hódoscsépány, élelmiszerbolt Csak felszállás  03:39 04:39 05:39 07:39 09:39 11:39 13:39 14:39 15:39 15:39 16:39 17:39 17:39 19:39
4,0 Ózd, somsályi elág. Csak felszállás  03:41 04:41 05:41 07:41 09:41 11:41 13:41 14:41 15:41 15:41 16:41 17:41 17:41 19:41
6,9 Arló, Arlói-tó bej. út 03:45 04:45 05:45 07:45 09:45 11:45 13:45 14:45 15:45 15:45 16:45 17:45 17:45 19:45
9,6 Járdánháza, temető 03:49 04:49 05:49 07:49 09:49 11:49 13:49 14:49 15:49 15:49 16:49 17:49 17:49 19:49
13,5 Borsodnádasd, aut. vt. 03:54 04:54 05:54 07:54 09:54 11:54 13:54 14:54 15:54 15:54 16:54 17:54 17:54 19:54
33,2 Tarnalelesz, Központ 04:21 05:21 06:21 08:21 10:21 12:21 14:21 15:21 16:21 16:21 17:21 18:21 18:21 20:21
Tarnalelesz, Központ 04:25 05:25 06:25 08:25 10:25 12:40 14:35 15:35 16:35 16:35 17:35 18:35 18:35 20:35
.. Szentdomonkos, aut. vt. 04:27 05:27 06:27 08:27 10:27 12:42 14:37 15:37 16:37 16:37 17:37 18:37 18:37 20:37
Szentdomonkos, Tipászó 04:29 05:29 06:29 08:29 10:29 12:44 14:39 15:39 16:39 16:39 17:39 18:39 18:39 20:39
Szentdomonkos, Tipászó 04:12 05:12 06:12 08:12 10:12 12:12 14:12 15:12 16:12 16:12 17:12 18:12 18:12 20:12
.. Szentdomonkos, aut. vt. 04:14 05:14 06:14 08:14 10:14 12:14 14:14 15:14 16:14 16:14 17:14 18:14 18:14 20:14
Tarnalelesz, Központ 04:17 05:17 06:17 08:17 10:17 12:17 14:17 15:17 16:17 16:17 17:17 18:17 18:17 20:17
33,2 Tarnalelesz, Központ 04:21 05:21 06:21 08:21 10:21 12:21 14:21 15:21 16:21 16:21 17:21 18:21 18:21 20:21
34,7 Bükkszenterzsébet, aut. vt. 04:23 05:23 06:23 08:23 10:23 12:23 14:23 15:23 16:23 16:23 17:23 18:23 18:23 20:23
41,4 Pétervására, Városháza 04:30 05:30 06:30 08:30 10:30 12:30 14:30 15:30 16:30 16:30 17:30 18:30 18:30 20:30
44,5 Ivád, bej. út 04:34 05:34 06:34 08:34 10:34 12:34 14:34 15:34 16:34 16:34 17:34 18:34 18:34 20:34
52,3 Mátraterenye (Nádújfalu), faluszéle 04:42 05:42 06:42 08:42 10:42 12:42 14:42 15:42 16:42 16:42 17:42 18:42 18:42 20:42
58,0 Nemti, vegyesbolt 04:48 05:48 06:48 08:48 10:48 12:48 14:48 15:48 16:48 16:48 17:48 18:48 18:48 20:48
64,8 Bátonyterenye (Nagybátony), bányaváros 04:56 05:56 06:56 08:56 10:56 12:56 14:56 15:56 16:56 16:56 17:56 18:56 18:56 20:56
66,1 Bátonyterenye (Nagybátony), Ózdi út 10. 04:59 05:59 06:59 08:59 10:59 12:59 14:59 15:59 16:59 16:59 17:59 18:59 18:59 20:59
69,4 Mátraverebély, szentkúti elág. 05:03 06:03 07:03 09:03 11:03 13:03 15:03 16:03 17:03 17:03 18:03 19:03 19:03 21:03
76,5 Mátraszőlős, faluszéle 05:10 06:10 | | | | | | | | | | S |
79,2 Pásztó, bej. út 05:14 06:14 | | | | | | | | | | S |
90,1 Jobbágyi, galgagutai elág. 05:25 06:25 | | | | | | | 17:25 | | S |
98,1 Lőrinci, petőfibányai elág. 05:32 06:32 | | | | | | | | | | S |
152,0 Budapest, Szerencs u. Csak leszállás  06:07 07:07 08:07 10:07 12:07 14:07 16:07 17:07 18:07 18:07 19:07 20:07 20:07 22:07
155,9 Budapest, Kacsóh P. út Csak leszállás  06:14 07:14 08:14 10:14 12:14 14:14 16:14 17:14 18:14 18:14 19:14 20:14 20:14 22:14
159,7 Budapest, Stadion aut. pu. 06:22 07:22 08:22 10:22 12:22 14:22 16:22 17:22 18:22 18:22 19:22 20:22 20:22 22:22


Buses do not call at stops which are not marked in the timetable.
Tickets for buses on this line are available on line in advance:
15 on Sundays and public holidays preceding the first schoolday of the week
2 no service on 24 December

naponta, kivéve munkaszüneti napokon
naponta, kivéve munkaszüneti napokon
a hetek első munkanapját megelőző napon
a hetek első munkanapját megelőző napon
on work-days
on work-days
on free days and days of rest
on free days and days of rest
| line passing stop, but not stopping at it
S line in service on another route
Stopping only for passengers getting on
Stopping only for passengers getting off
Passengers need supplementary tickets for this surface Passengers need supplementary tickets for this surface
The service runs at high speed on motorway, therefore it carries only seated passengers. The service runs at high speed on motorway, therefore it carries only seated passengers.
You can buy your ticket on Internet too. You can buy your ticket on Internet too.
Free WiFi available on the service Free WiFi available on the service
O National passenger transport service