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Balaton Wine Region
Badacsony wine region
The Badacsony wine region is located
on the northern shore of the “Hungar-
ian Sea”, stretching along on 4263
hectares on the uniquely shaped mo-
nadnock slopes of the Tapolca Basin.
Throughout several thousand years
the Pannonian Sea’s delicately grained
sediments crusted on the volcanic ba-
salt, from which later the brown forest
soil developed, favouring the grape va-
rieties of the region. Grapes were culti-
vated on Badacsony’s slopes as early
as the Roman time, and things haven’t
changed too much since then. Szürke-
barát is one of the best known varieties in the region, but along with the most
widespread Olaszrizling many other wine varieties are produced in the area. It is
advised to book wine-cellars in advance, before going on wine-tasting.
Available from 380 EUR + VAT*
Balaton Uplands Wine Region
The wine region stretches over the cen-
tral-western part of Lake Balaton just
uninterrupted, as the Badacsony wine
region wedges in in the middle. Here
too, the roots of grape cultivation go
back 2000 years; in the Middle Ages
quality its wines were transported even
over the Alps. In the past the Eszterházy
family created huge grape plantations
in the region. Wines produced here are
made full by the warm daylight, while
the chilly air currents descending from
the hills at nights make them fruity. This
is one of the few wine regions where the
spicy Cserszegi grape variety is grown.
Available from 380 EUR + VAT*
Duna Wine Region
Kunság Wine Region
Hungary’s largest wine region
is located in the Great Plains,
between the River Danube and Ti-
sza. Wine production in the region
is first mentioned in a document
from 1075, detailing the bestowal
of specific grape-growing hills.
Vine domiciliation proved to be an
excellent solution to block the sandy
soil’s movement, nevertheless it
was due to the sandy soil that the
phylloxera epidemic at the beginning
of the 19th century could not cause
major damages to the vintage yield.
The pest that ravaged through Euro-
pe cannot survive here, thus these
lands became outstandingly valued.
Available from 145 EUR + VAT*
Hajós-Baja Wine Region
The wine region stretching over 2006
hectares separated from the Gre-
at Plains in 1998, and it has always
been different from the average
flatland agrotype. Grape varieties
here do not grow on sand, but on
clay and loess soil, covered by a thin
layer of sand. This is the best soil
type for agricultural crops, moreover
the region’s weather is also highly
favourable. Due to its climatic and
farming endowments the Hajós-Ba-
ja wine region is a genuine ice-wine
producing area.
Available from 345 EUR + VAT*